Amelia s shoes
My opinion about Amelias chase is that I think that is not fair that kids had to work instead of being studying for trying to fix the world and adults are stopping that process
My reason is that is not fear that a children's rights are not being shown to every children in the world and they couldn't reclaim them , and another reason is that kids can not be heated by any adult becase they also deserve the same treatment and respect as adults.
E my example is the life of a girl when she has 7 years old that she have to work for a rich family , she has to wake up al 5:00 am and make breakfast for the family and when she do breakfast and finish after 7:00 am the mother and dad heat her.
my opinion is that children working have to stop because if we continue abusing of children we will not have future because without children there is not future fo human beens
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