I think that the case of Amelia is so injust because all kids like us have to being study,or plaing, or having fun because this things are the rights that we have to have or the liberty of the kids are going to be irrespect.In my opinion I think is bad the case of Amelia because they are don't thinking in the kids and what are going to happen in the future wiht does kids they are going to be criminal, bad people, they don't care about other person, etc. So we have to change to people of the next generaition change or us to let kids an a healthy chilhood to being respect and change this world about th mynd of kids are miserable they have to work, no we have to change.
Because if we continue like that we are going to be like that inthe future so we never are going to respect the rights of the so they are going to die, or become in so bad people, are going to have no respect and being irrespect persons. Because if we don't change let kids are going to die, kids being again badtreated, the world are going to be miserable if we don't change, kids like Amelia are going to be sick, kids are going to have wounds, being tired, with raged clothes or even with no clothes, the kids have rights so we have to respect them like the right of life, no been enslaved, the right of recreation and the mosts important for kids the right of a good family and the right of study.
1. Amelia is an a so good example because in her storie she always are being badtreated because her "owners" always don't give she the means necesaries for a person sub exist and always punch her.

2. An a common case are all poor people in Afghanistan and begging in all streets because the horrible civil war in Afghanistan and the horrible taking of Afghanistan for the Soviet Union in the 1900
In my opinion is bad the case of all kids that are bad trait because they can go to study so they are going to be people with don´t culture, education, ignorant people, irresponsible, badly spoken, don´t have respect to other people, etc. If they don´t study or even don't respect the other generation is going to be an other generation of people that are bad with others so we have to change.
Juan Pablo Luna S 5 C 2019