On Amelia's Shoes
My opinion is that the adults are taking advantage of the kids innocence by putting them to work.
My reason is that the adults are mistreating the kids and also kill them because they don’t do what the adults want. So,the adults violate the human rights of the kids.AndThe kids do all the work that the adults have to do in the house.
Amelia is one of the millions of children that is mistreated and have to work except to study. Second When the people kill or hit the kids they violate a human right, when the kids don’t study there is another violation of the human rights and there are more violations of the human rights of the kids. And that is the one of the problems that has Amelia.
My opinion for all of these is that the adults are no respecting the children’s rights and the human rights. For this problem, we have to think that we have to teach people that each person is free and you don't have to kill the other person.
created by:5C34VegaJC
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